Career Training After High School

Educational Options After High School

Educational Options After High School

When you reach your final year of high school, thinking about what you’re going to do after you graduate is likely front of mind. There are a number of educational options out there for students when high school is over.

At Automotive Training Center, we’re committed to providing an education that can prepare you for a long career in the automotive, diesel, hi-performance, collision, or marine industries. While there are many pathways to a successful life post-high school, read on to learn what makes us a bit different than the average college education.

Choosing a School For Your Needs

Educational Options After High SchoolA career school such as ours allows you to start the learning process immediately. A 4-year college degree can require you to take general education courses not related to your major for the first few years, but with a career school, you have the chance to start learning about your chosen field, in this case automotive, diesel, collision, or marine, immediately.

If you’re considering 2- and 4-year colleges along with trade schools, there are plenty of factors to take into consideration. College can be a better fit if you’re not sure what your major should be, or what you want to study. The general education courses give you time to decide.

A trade school is great for those who are sure of the desired career field they want. It can put you on the path to becoming a part of the workforce more quickly, too.

Courses at Automotive Training Center

Automotive Training Center

Coursework at ATC is designed to prepare you for a career as an automotive, diesel, marine, or collision technician. We strike the perfect balance between time spent in the classroom and time spent in the shop, where you’ll apply the skills you’ve learned in the classroom.

Hands-on experience is the best way to learn about standard tools and procedures, and you’ll have the opportunity to service and repair a range of vehicle makes and models.

An education at our training center can be completed in just under two years. If you choose, classes can be taken at night if you don’t have time during the day. This flexibility allows you to experience the hands-on courses on your own schedule.

Career School: An Alternative to College Classes

Career SchoolIf you’ve always been interested in cars and what makes them tick, an automotive training school may be the best choice for your future. You’ll want to think about your goals, finances, and how you envision yourself learning before choosing which school is right for you.

Whether you’re graduating high school in the coming months, or you’ve been out of high school for a few years, you may think about a hands-on trade school to continue your education. See how a trade school can get you into the workforce sooner than a 4-year college can.

Join the Growing Automotive Field

Explore how Automotive Training Center can lead you to a successful career in the automotive industry. We invite you to check out our Automotive Technology Career Guide eBook to learn more about what positions are available in the field, and how a career can be the right fit for an automotive enthusiast.

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Automotive Training Center

Contact Us

Exton Campus

114 Pickering Way, Exton, PA 19341

Warminster Campus

900 Johnsville Blvd, Warminster, PA 18974

ATC does not discriminate against employees, students or applicants on the basis of sex, race, color, age, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, veteran status, or disability.

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